Various Humanitarian Initiatives for People in Need
Working Together to Make a Difference
Programs and Services
Each Friday the Houston Food Bank delivers up to twenty tons of fresh fruits and vegetables to a Jesse Tree Food Fair site. As the produce is unloaded, medical volunteers set up for Chronic Conditions Management Classes, social service providers set-up displays to encourage individuals and families to enroll for everything from food stamps to voter registration and hundreds of people come to the fair. Local musicians perform to add an air of fun.
At The Jesse Tree, we estimate that about 95% of those who come initially come seeking food. COVID19, Hurricanes, the downturn in the economy, rampant unemployment, and poverty have taken their toll so people in our county go without food daily.
Those who visit the Food Fair are often surprised when offered blood pressure screening or a glucose checkup. They are not expecting to learn that The Jesse Tree collaborates with agencies such as Lone Star Legal Foundation who are there to help them complete applications for food stamps, Medicare, or CHIP; or that The American Heart Association is gathering a group to hear about "heart-healthy living." Eventually, Food Fair goers come to realize that although it's nice to go home with healthy foods to eat, it's even nicer to know that The Jesse Tree is there to help them find what they need.
Everyone needs help at one time or another. Everyone is welcome to come to The Jesse Tree or call for information and assistance. The following is a list of programs and services that will guide individuals and families toward happier, healthier living:
Technology Programs
Nutrition Programs

Health-Related Programs
Chronic Conditions Management