Useful forms and information when seeking assistance, resources and help:
Help Starts as Soon as You Walk Through the Door
If you or someone you know needs help, The Jesse Tree will do everything we can to get it. From food to medical care, from clothing to counseling services, The Jesse Tree will put you in touch with the services you need. Here, you will find a few resources to help you get started.
The best way to access services is to speak to a Jesse Tree resource coordinator. Please call (409) 762-2233 during normal business hours.

Here is a quick list of local resources:
Galveston County Food Bank (409) 945 4232
ADA Women’s Center (409) 763 5516
Catholic Charities (409) 762 2062
Community Action Council (409) 765 7878
Our Daily Bread (Homeless) (409) 765 6971
St. Vincent’s Episcopal House (409) 763 8521
The Jesse Tree (409) 762 2233
The Salvation Army (409) 763 1691
The United Way Resource Line 211
If you need a list of resources for veterans, here are some helpful links:
Other helpful online resources:
Also calling 2-1-1 is a free, easy way to find out about services you can get. You can find services in your area or through state programs such as food, housing, hurricane evacuation planning, child care, after-school programs, senior services, help after a disaster, tax help, SNAP, Medicaid, CHIP, and TANF.